— Tile Cleaning

Authentic Mexican tiles made to be creative

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We are at experts at cleaning and sealing hard surface flooring, such as Saltillo, flagstone, brick pavers, travertine, finished concrete.

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Why use us?

When you call us for your free estimate we will examine the flooring/wall/counter surface and determine if the surface will need to be stripped, that is removing old sealant, wax, etc. The cleaning and sealing process is done as follows:


Why Choose Us?

Why we are the best choice in flooring.

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years of experience
Satisfaction rate
Southern Arizona's best price
professional team members

Our Process


The deep clean process begins with a thorough analysis and consultation.

Cleaning Deep

Next, our trained technicians prepare your floor by removing any surface debris, vent covers and baseboards, if necessary, and then vacuuming it making it break up the tough dirt and residue on your floors. Then, squeegees trap the dirt, and a powerful, self-contained vacuum collects both dirt and excess cleaning solution.
Our technicians take it a step further by hand cleaning the edges and corners that would otherwise be difficult to reach.

Clean Up

Powerful equipment to go over the surface a second time to remove any loose buildup. To ensure proper care, our technicians will provide you with information about proper floor maintenance. They understand that your floors are a significant investment and a reflection of your business and home.

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